Super Cougar Membership
Becoming a Super Cougar donor is an important aspect of Columbia Academy school funding. Donors can include individuals, families, businesses, and organizations who contribute financial resources to Columbia Academy. These donations will be used for a variety of purposes, such as funding extracurricular activities, purchasing new equipment, and supporting academic and athletic programs. As a donor, you will receive a variety of benefits when you enroll. Encouraging and maintaining a strong donor membership is crucial for our school to provide the best possible education and opportunities for our students.
Super Cougar Business
Two Passes to all Home Athletic Events
One Super Cougar Reserved Parking Pass for all Home Football Games
Signage at one sports venue of your choice
Listing in all programs and the CA Website
Recognition at all Home Sporting Events
Exclusive Super Cougars decal
Columbia Academy Yard Sign
Super Cougar Family
Two Passes to all Home Athletic Events
Two Exclusive Super Cougars Decal
Columbia Academy Yard Sign