Summer Reading
Summer 2024
Summer Brain Drain is a real thing. The old adage holds true – “what you don’t use, you lose!” BUT – the simple act of reading can prevent students from losing the valuable skills that they learned in classes like English and History and can even help them be successful in other classes too in the year ahead.
“Reading skills translate to other subject areas also because “all other subjects hinge on the ability to take in information through reading.” Research shows that “students who read 20 minutes per day score in the 90th percentile on standard type skills and learning tests, with those who only read for 5 minutes per day scoring in the 50th percentile.” (Source: Dominican University IMLS-funded research: Public Library Summer Reading Programs Close the Reading Gap).
Columbia Academy requires and actively encourages students to read during the summer. This will help them to prepare for the upcoming year and also to prevent losing the learned skills that are typically lost during the summer months when school is not in session.
The list below are the selections required for the Summer 2024. The correct book selection can be found by searching the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) on Amazon. Unless otherwise noted, all books on the list below should be purchased and shipped to your home directly. Students should have read the book selections below completely by the time that school begins for Fall 2024.